Hair Gala 2021

On August 7th, 2021, Back to the Shop celebrated our relaunch and rebrand with a hair gala entitled “The Bigger the Hair, the Harder they Stare”. In accordance with the title, the corresponding theme asked guests to dawn their most creative hair styles or head wear. The notion behind the event, which also served as a doctoral celebration for the Editor in Chief, Dr. Shané Weaver, was that asking Black men and women to wear imaginative hair and headwear allows Black people to subvert marginalizing aesthetic ideas. Through the frequent sharing of image from the event, it is our hope to not only share the Back to the Shop Brand but to also give further comfort and permission to Black women and men to simply be and relish in the power of their aesthetic choice as a means of agency and rebuttal of marginalizing forces.

This look reminds of Black women’s creativity and spirit. Intricately featuring crystals and braids, we know that Black women’s hair is connected to our inner most being through the crown or ori which is the apex of the head and regarded as the site of connection to a higher power.